His Strength, My Strength

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pictures finally!

So I know we had our women's event for Christian Challenge a few weeks back but my roommate just recently put up her pictures of it on facebook so now you get to enjoy what we put on! If your memory is a bit hazy (like mine) let me remind you about it - it was a women's event that the full-time staff women (Erin, Anya and myself) wanted to put on for our girls to connect them with each other and also with recent alums. We had the event on campus in the religious center and we had a cornucopia of delicious treats!! We had everything from mini-muffins to cookies to tomato-herb crostini (made by moi :) We invited some of our recent alums to speak to the girls about laying a foundation in college in your walk with God and how it's helped them in the years since they've graduated. The event went on for a few hours and everyone loved it! We got some great responses so that was super encouraging, and without further ado, here are some pictures of it for your enjoyment!

So this was the layout of the room. We had beaucoup tables with 6 chairs each, black tablecloths with red candles on top and silver Hershey's kisses!

mmmmm - now we get to all the food we had. This table was *covered* with food and of course it was all gone by the time it was over! And all the food was really good, I personally went back a few times to "check" on it and had multiple plates of the stuff :)

Here are some of the ladies at one of the tables, including one of our lovely staff women, Anya, on the left :)

Here we have current student Josephine on the left, staffer Amy in the middle and recent alum Jenn on the right

It was a great time for the women students to get more connected with each other and not just have friendships within their small group exclusively. And I think they really enjoyed being able to talk with some of the alums and get a vision for their walk with God post-college!

And lastly, here is the funny of the day:

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