His Strength, My Strength

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh goodness...

So this summer I finally know all of what I am doing, and guess what it is? No, sadly it's not becoming a professional surfer and practicing my moves in Australia, no, it's being the leader of summer Christian Challenge!!! While I am excited about this prospect it is also daunting in its execution. I talked to my boss about it and he said I am in charge of ALL aspects of it, as in A-L-L aspects. So I am definitely trying to think through how it should look like and what we're going to be doing for 10 weeks!! If you happen to have any ideas I'd love to hear them :) I'm thinking about maybe having an over-arching theme to the summer, so that all the weeks will be somewhat related because that just helps it flow better in my opinion. So I'll let you know how it goes and what it will look like - but before I do I need to spend some serious time praying because God is a lot more involved in this than I am, so if I ask Him for advice I know He'll help me think through this!!

And I realized it's Wednesday and I never told you about my weekend! Well, Friday I went to Target with Lauren, a girl from my small group, because I needed to get a wedding shower gift. As with all trips to Target, I also got many things that I didn't plan on getting - they were all needed, but they weren't on the initial list. Ah well, I love that place!! Then came home, popped in Princess Diaries 2 and painted my nails. It was loverly :)

Then Saturday I was *going* to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress for the wedding of my fried Jenn, but her friend who is making the dresses had a family emergency so we canceled it. So I basically got ready for Saturday night, which was our Christian Challenge Senior Send-off!! We went to the Spaghetti Factory in Fullerton and everyone dressed up - it was way fun to see everyone in dresses and suits!

This is Tanya with baby Samantha, and Jonathan in the background wanted to get in on the fun!

This is me, Carrie and Tanya at the fun side of the table :)

Then on Sunday we had baptism right after church and we had FOUR Trojans getting baptized!! Including Lauren!!! It was amazing and so wonderful to celebrate these girls' decisions to follow Christ!!

Lauren, Elizabeth, Neil, Karlene and Amy :D

This was Lauren and I right after she got baptized - it was so fun to see her take steps of obedience and faith, something I've been praying for ever since I met her!! God is so good!!!

Then we had a Challenge fundraiser at Rubio's and *then* was the wedding shower, fiesta themed!! And with more Mexican food - maybe the Rubio's was a bad idea...

This is Jenn, our bride-to-be, in her "sombrero veil" :) And yes, we made her keep it on the entire time!

This is the entire bridal party - Jazell, Katie, Jessa, Erin, Jenn, Sarah and myself, all in our bridesmaid sombreros. Jenn's mom thought they were so great she made us keep them and she wants us to wear them for the rehearsal dinner!! ha haaaa!!!!

What wedding shower wouldn't be complete without a pinata???? Jenn didn't want any games, so we got this past her because we saw this as more of an activity than a game :)

So it was a great time and I think Jenn really felt celebrated which was our goal so yay!!

Hope you're having a loverly day and here is the funny of the day:

1 comment:

  1. court that is awesome about leading the summer challenge!! i know you'll do an amazing job :)
