His Strength, My Strength

Friday, June 4, 2010

Oops again...

Okay, I'm sorry, these days are going by faster than I would like!! Last night was our first summer Christian Challenge meeting and it was a small group with some staff and students going over the Sovereignty of God, and I think it went really well!! The rest of the schedule for the summer is as follows:

June 10: Prayer - the importance of it, the significance of what Jesus taught about it, patience with it

June 17: Service - Of all the kinds of people Jesus could have come to earth and He chose to come as a servant, and how important that is for each one of us

June 24: fun night

July 1: Worth of the Individual - Jesus talking to the woman at the well when in those days it was not cool for men to talk to women, esp. alone, the lepers that society shunned but Jesus loved, tax collectors, prostitutes, Jesus gave them all His time, didn't reject them or get freaked out at non-believers, also the disciples themselves, how they were "nobodies" to the world (fishermen, not the intellectual Pharisees) but He chose them anyways

July 8: Selection - how Jesus was continually looking for the One in the Many to invest His life in, multitudes (hundreds) --> several (70) --> 12 disciples --> 3 (John, James and Peter) --> 1 (John)

July 15: Called to live an upside-down way of life - how becoming like Jesus means the things you value are opposite of what the world/culture says to value and live for

July 22: Expect resistance - Jesus did not receive a welcoming parade in His hometown, He came to make war, not peace, and if you're truly going to follow Him, you can expect some people to not be over the moon about it

July 29: fun night

whew!! It should be a great summer so I'll let you know how it's going!

Hope you have a GREAT Friday and rest of your weekend!

I heart ESPN commercials, and this one is one of my favs :)


  1. sounds like a very well planned summer! :-)

  2. ingymob - the word i had to type to confirm my comment. if thats not a real word it should become one.
