His Strength, My Strength

Thursday, November 18, 2010


It's here. It's now. This is it. It is finally opening weekend of HP7.1. For those of you not in the know (which you should be because, let's face it, HP is flippin' awesome), "HP7.1" refers to "Harry Potter 7, part 1" because TOMORROW is the day when it comes out!!! It is currently 1:53pm in Cali, and I'm seeing it at 12:20am, so basically I have less than 12 hours, LESS THAN 12 HOURS PEOPLE!!!! Holy moly I am getting so excited I almost can't take it. I might have to stupefy myself to contain myself. Why Potter you ask? Well, firstly, because it's awesome. Secondly, it's really awesome. Thirdly, it's a great story. No, really. I know it was originally for kids, but by about book 4 the author J.K.Rowling goes all crazy and kills someone, and she never looked back. If you try reading book 6 to a 10 year old they'll probably be traumatized. She kills off about half the Potter universe in the last book, and not just the peripheral characters either. She goes big so she doesn't have to go home. But in all seriousness, Potter has to be good quality to engage the world right?? Well, okay, that same argument could be made for "Twilight" but I haven't read the books and I don't plan on it - I read the synopsis on Wikipedia so I know what people were talking about, but that's it. Most of my friends who have read it concede that yes, while it is an addicting story, it is by no means Shakespeare. Heck, they didn't even say it was Dan Brown level. One of my good friends was an English major and she said it was just horribly written. Another friend of mine (AKJackso shout out!) told me that if I was ever depressed I should read those books because they're so badly written I will start laughing as I'm reading and thus put me in a better mood :)

No, Potter is well-written and it gets better as she goes along. The first 2 books are my least favorites because they tend to be slow and plodding and repeat a lot. But trudge through those books and you won't be able to put them down. My mom convinced me to read the first 3 books while we were looking at colleges for a week my senior year. I shrugged her off because I said they were kid's books and I am by no means a kid anymore. She then said she had read them and my oldest sister too, and how they both enjoyed them. Ok fine, just to placate my mom I bought the first 3 in paperback and in about 4 days they were all read. Yeah. So from them on I was hopelessly addicted. Book 5 came out when I was a sophomore in college, and I had to force myself to do homework instead of read Potter. I would "reward" myself by working for a good hour, then reading a chapter, then working for an hour and reading a chapter and then I'd stay up later at night reading a few chapters at a time. So it both helped and hindered my studies :)

But I have also really enjoyed the movies. Films 3 and 6 are my current favorites. I know some people hate the fact that the movies tweak or leave out parts of the books, but let's be honest, if they included everything in their right order then the movie would be like 6 hours long. I love Potter but my rear would not. I really enjoy the liberties they take because it keeps it fresh. Plus the music in film 6 is awesome, like woah.

SO, all of that to say that I am SUPER PUMPED for Potter 7 tonight/tomorrow morning. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the pain factor because my rheumatoid arthritis has come back and it gets wicked bad the later it gets, like at 10pm it's horrible, so 4am should be interesting :)

Now, while I am indeed pumped to see it, I am not as bad as this guy:

Harry Potter is cool and all, but it's not LIFE. Sheesh. That should be left to Calvin and Hobbes. ha haaa, just kidding. But take a look at the trailer!!!

a-MAZE-ing right?!?! oh man, just get goosebumps watching it :) cannot WAIT until tonight!!

And until then, this is pretty funny too:

T-minus 10 hours and counting...


  1. hahahah yay for a shout out :-) i still haven't read the HP books and have only seen the 1st movie. but maybe someday i will have time to read them all :-)

  2. you haven't read the books?? what is this?? and only the first one? I mean, it's cute and all, but it's also kinda slow. It really picks up in the 3rd one and doesn't stop. Seriously you need to see them :) why didn't you tell me? we could have seen some of them together!!

  3. PS, did you watch that "biggest HP fan" video?? freaky!!!
